Tuesday, March 3, 2015

USU Invasive Insect workshop

For Box Elder County Fruit Growers and Gardeners,

Announcing a workshop that USU Extension & USU IPM team will be putting together this Friday (Mar 6) in Brigham City. They will cover the monitoring, management, and identification of Spotted Wing Drosophila and Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. SWD is a very destructive pest of fruit and BMSB is a destructive pest of fruits and vegetables. SWD has been found in Box Elder County, as well as Rich, Cache, Weber, Davis, and Utah Counties. BMSB has been found in Salt Lake and Utah Counties.

To register or for more information about these workshops see http://utahpests.usu.edu/caps/htm/events-and-workshops

Spotted Wing Drosophila

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

Utah State University Extension gardening classes 4-week series

The USU Extension office will be holding a 4 week series of gardening classes for Box Elder County residents. The first class starts on Thursday, March 5 and will be taught at the USU Brigham City Campus. The classes will focus on small fruit, tree fruit and vegetable production. To register for the class, go to http://extension.usu.edu/boxelder/ and click on the gardening class link.